Friday, July 26, 2024

The World is Wide Enough - I. On a Long Voayge

Pineview Reservoir.  

The sun rises in the East and you have only one choice to photograph shooting into the sun.  The result is silhouettes.

Generally, life is good.

Monday, July 22, 2024

The First Squadron of American White Pelicans Preparing for Landing


Pelicans appeared from afar and flew towards me in small groups. They flew in row, the first line, the second, and I decided to wait. Fortunately, the first squadron of pelicans turned left making them easier to focus on.

The Pelicans are about to land but meanwhile they are still in formation and their wingtips are almost touching each other.

Landing of Pelicans always looks like a collision, but in fact they are very careful not to hurt other Pelicans.

Generally, life is good.