Friday, August 6, 2021

Teenagers - II. Foolishness


As all teenagers juvenile Pelicans sometimes act silly.  The way of learning and maturing doesn't happen overnight.  Thus Pelican on the photo above spotted something in the water thinking it was fish.

The pelican is going to pull his catch out of the water. His actions immediately attracted the attention of the gull-thief.

Everyone including the gull-thief is watching the silly Pelican who is pulling out of the water something slippery and long.  This is a silt, silly...

What are you going to do with the silt?  It's better to throw the silt away after all.

Generally, life is good!


  1. The pelican in the main role is captivating.

  2. Preciosa y simpatica serie. El pelícano "tonto" está extraordinario en su papel de joven aprendiz. Terminará aprendiendo y distinguiendo lo que es bueno de lo que es malo. Con lo errores también se aprende.
    Un abrazo y cuídate

  3. Fantastic pictures.
    So beautiful to see these pelicans with the warm colors of the sun. Well done Kaya!!

    Many greetings,

  4. Bonita reuníón. Todo el grupo está en paz y armonía, disfrutando de esas cristalinas aguas.


  5. Precioso grupo. La gaviota me hace sonreír. Los reflejos en el agua son todo un acierto.
    Un fuerte abrazo,

  6. Beautiful photos ..i love pelicans. Our Stanfield Marsh near Big Bear is completely dry so the pelicans haven't come to that area. They are in the larger lake though. I usually go to the marsh to photograph them but not this year.

  7. when juveniles already have grey head ... ;-)

  8. Замечательная история о пеликанах)

  9. Bellisima sinfonia de imagenes de naturaleza.
    Un saludo
