Friday, September 10, 2021

Instead of American Bald Eagle I Found a Double-crested Cormorant


When I spotted a big dark bird on the log where I saw last year an American Bald Eagle I thought that Bald Eagles are already at Bear River.

To get to the log I had to walk in the open field  but I couldn't get on the path that was leading to the log because a few cows blocked it.

I have never been around cows and I am afraid of them.  Not knowing what to do I started slowly approaching them hoping that they would leave the path but the cows didn't have any intention to move out of my way.  It took a while when they changed their mind and cleared my way. 

The closer I was getting to a "Bald Eagle" the more it looked like a Cormorant. Well, it's time to check my eyesight or carry with me my binoculars.


Last year on November 25th on the same log I saw an American Bald Eagle.  This time the log was occupied by Cormorant.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Hello Kaya,
    What a funny story about the 'eagle' that you thought you spotted. But this cormorant is also definitely worth photographing. What a beautiful picture. I must say that your other photo you took there before is also insanely beautiful.
    May be you can caught him soon again.

    Many greetings,

  2. A pesar de las dificultades, has tomado muy buenas fotografías. La segunda de las fotografías , es de película. Es la que más me ha gustado.


  3. Una atalaya compartida. Quizás el cormorán y el águila calva se ham hecho amigos y la comparten. Desde luego a veces no es sencillo tomar una buena fotografía. Tu tenacidad lo ha logrado.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  4. Espectaculares fotos Kaya, me encantan. Abrazos.

  5. У баклана оказалась длинная шея.
