Monday, September 6, 2021

Ospreys Saga - XI. Juvenile Osprey is Eating Fish


The family of Osprey already migrated.  Every time I am on the North Arm Trail and see the empty Ospreys nests, I feel nostalgic and then the memories come and make my sadness even more palpable.

These series of photographs were taken on the day when juvenile Ospreys made their first flight. They flew to the abandoned nest and spent most of the day there.  

While watching these birds I noticed that one juvenile Osprey was studying very carefully the bottom of the nest. 

At some moment the young Osprey pulled something slippery from the nest that resembled fish.

I didn't have any idea what the juvenile was trying to swallowing until I looked at my photographs on my computer. Apparently, it was fish left for young ones by their parents.

Another juvenile Osprey calmly surveyed the surroundings, it seemed that he was absolutely indifferent what his sibling was doing.

That day was the first and the last when I was able to photograph juvenile Ospreys on the abandoned nest.  Since that the young ones visited very rarely this nest and almost never spent time in the old one.

Generally, life is good!



  1. Молодость заметна и у птиц. Красавцы.

  2. Young people will grow up beautiful. They probably conquered their world and abandoned the old nest.

  3. Buenos provisores fueron los padres. han encontrado el pescado depositado y han podido saciar su apetito.

    Es fantástico el reportaje, con las buenas tomas que has logrado.


  4. Preciosa secuencia de la emancipación de las jóvenes águilas pescadoras. Ley de vida, llegado el momento los jóvenes abandonan el nido y se buscan la vida por su cuenta.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  5. Replies
    1. Sandi, when ospreys built their nest they added these strings to it.

  6. the bulimic and the contemplative.

  7. Hello Kaya,
    So very nice and very funny to see these both eagles.
    Fantastic how you hacve caught these moments of them. Your pictures are so cute. Big compliments Kaya!!

    Greetings, Marco

  8. Magnificas imagenes, son muy buenas. Un abrazo.

  9. Heipsan Kaya, for a long time.
    These fotos makes a awesome collection.
