Saturday, October 30, 2021

Successful Catch

That morning in early June I was fortunate to watch how the male Western Grebe caught a big fish which he struggled to keep in his beak. That was a true success that doesn't happen often.

Later the female Grebe joined the lucky mate but she acted as if she was indifferent.  I am sure that the female anticipated that her mate would share with her his catch otherwise she would not have been there.

What if at some point the fish escapes you into the water?  I probably would stay with you for a while.


I believe that all birds have a great tolerance, loyalty and respect for their mates. 

The lucky male Grebe was left alone and continued to struggle with his big catch.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Большая рыба в клюве сразу бросилась в глаза. Успела удивиться)
    Кая, фотографии завораживающие. Вода, отражения в воде неописумо!

  2. Impresionantes estas capturas que nos brindas, amiga... Unos momentos impactantes
    Un abrazo

  3. Don't worry, everything is done for the success of the reproduction; female and male will play the game faithfully ! Nice pictures.

  4. Captura exitosa, Kaya, así como exitoso es el momento que has captado, estuviste muy hábil con tu cámara.


  5. Muy buena captura. Admiro la belleza de las fotografías.


  6. Yo no estoy muy seguro de que al final se comiera el pez. Parece demasiado grande para su pico. Pero al menos ha servido para que hagas unas magnificas fotografias. Me quedo con la primera por su buen reflejo en el agua.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  7. Hi Kaya, great photos of this beautiful bird. Congratulations and greatings.

  8. Wow, que maravillosas fotos, son realmente espectaculares Kaya. Besos.
