Saturday, June 5, 2021

Who is Down There?


It delights me when the river is clean and reflections are visible.  It doesn't happen often but when it happens there is always some magic in it.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Draga Kaya and comments have been closed for a long time, I looked daily when you promoted an image or a series. Although I had no way of saying, comment now as a whole: all posts have photos with soul in them, which means that they are not the result of chance, and their author loves nature.

  2. Muy buena foto, Kaya, gracias a los reflejos has conseguido una simetría muy interesante.


  3. Es extraordinario el reflejo que has conseguido. Es una imgen de gran belleza, de esas que no puedes dejar de contemplar.


  4. wow! an impressive reflection of such a beautiful bird. It seems reflected in a crystal.
    Very nice photos in your blog.Greetings

  5. when the shooting seems easy, when it is only art. Bravo!!!

    Until yesterday, I didn't see a comment form, nor any comments ... One of the mysteries of Utah.
