Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Look How Brave I Am

That Sunday morning was very unpleasant.  At the beginning the rain was drizzling but soon it began to knock on my windshield furiously.  I tried to find one good reason why I was driving in heavy rain to Bear River and I couldn't find one until  I saw in the swamp a soaking wet male Yellow-headed Blackbird.

The bird didn't hide from the rain, it sang hoping to attract any female blackbird who happened to be around but there were no females. They were waiting till the rain stops in their shelters.


The brave male Yellow-headed bird at some moment stopped singing.  


Generally, life is good!


  1. Such a beautifully coloured outfit is not enough to charm the female, it must also sing at the top of its voice.

  2. The first photo is a masterpiece.

  3. Preciosas tomas del mirlo, Kaya, una belleza de ave muy bien fotografiada por ti.


  4. En la fotografía 1, canta con desesperación...cantar y no ser escuchado lo hace deseperar.

    En las otras fotografías, ya se ha tranquilizado y se ha conformado con la situación.


  5. Boa tarde. Acho lindo e maravilhoso vê essas imagens maravilhosas.

  6. Naturalness and beauty in those photos of the blackbird. I'm impressed.

  7. wow, wonderful photos! That's why you drove in the rain - makes sense - nature was calling you to come see it at its' best.
