Thursday, May 27, 2021

In The Wasatch Mountains - VIII. A Flower, Birds and a Snake

At the beginning my hike wasn't very exciting until I found the wild flower that was hiding in the shade and shining brightly.  

I heard the songs of Lazuli Buntings but the birds were far away. At some point I started to wonder where are other mountains birds, will I end up my hike with only one photo of a wild flower? 

Seeing a Western Scrub-Jay that was resting on a dry branch was a pure joy.  I didn't see this bird since last summer.  In the late autumn the hiking trails are getting muddy, slippery and not accessible. 

Two little surprising adventures were awaiting for me at the end of my hike.  I saw the California Quails, a female and male near the dense sage bush. Something kept them there and my guess is that there was a nest.

I noticed a snake almost right away.  It sprawled peacefully on the trail and wasn't going to leave it.  The trail in this part of the mountains is narrow and I had no choice but to wait when the snake would cross the trail. 

Here is the snake goes down the canyon and soon it will be gone.

Generally, life is good!


  1. La flor resalta muy bien sobre ese fondo oscuro. Lo que más me ha impresionado es lo bien captad que está la serpiente en ambas tomas. Quizás yo no hubiera sido capaz de sacar ninguna fotografía, por el miedo que me da.


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