Friday, March 22, 2019

Mini World - 12. Joining the Dance

Google Plus failed.  At the beginning I thought it aimed to be another Instagram but I was wrong; Google Plus wanted to be another Facebook, only more efficient. Did we want another Facebook? Why should we abandon our love/hate relationship with it?  

What I liked about Google Plus.  

Variety.  My world became bigger.  I liked the possibility to create my own gallery of photographers whose work I liked.  I didn't know that soon I would lose my gallery.

Recently I learned in a surprising way that we are still connected to Google Plus.  I switched to Blogger account and tried to change my image. I thought it would be simple but I was wrong.  It took a while to figure out that I had to return back to Google Plus account and then start the whole process again.

I like the quote of Alan Wilson Watts:

The only sense to make out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. 

That is exactly what I am going to do, letting some things go, little by little, while joining the dance.


  1. Hola Kaya. Yo creo que google+ no era mala idea, pero le fataba alguna cosa. Yo creo que el diseño no era suficientemente bueno y que la gente lo usaba como lataforma para sus otros sitios web o blocs. En mi caso, lo he intentado en Facebook, Instagram i Google+, pero como en blogger no he encontrado un sitio mejor. Pero vaya, todo son gustos. Preciosa como siempre tu imagen, Kaya.
    Un abrazo y buen fin de semana.

  2. I would title this photograph, "Organized Chaos."
    I think it is great and beautiful.

    Other than blogger, I belong to no other forms of social media.
    I think that stems from paranoia.

  3. Google + had a great idea, but people will not want pictures, nice, quiet. People will also argue contradictory discussions, and they chose Facebook

  4. But maybe you need to learn the quickstep,

  5. I never did Google Plus, just Blogger. Now I'm glad!

  6. Beautiful shot of the birds! I like how the light hits them.

  7. Espero que el cierre de GooglePlus no afecte a los blogs... Yo, de momento, no he notado nada... La verdad es que GooglePlus no lo usaba practicamente

  8. it.
    have a great day

  9. Como no soy usuario de Google + no tengo opinión. De momento me siento a gusto con Blogger donde puedo exponer y comentar hermosas fotos como la tuya Kaya.
    Un abrazo.

  10. Una belleza esas aves en vuelo iluminadas por esa luz solar.

    Saludos. Bonita foto, Kaya.
