Monday, October 14, 2024

White-faced Ibis is Preening


Usually ibises find the most unsightly marshes, but on that October morning several of them wandered into a marshy place where the grass was painted in colorful autumn colors.

The ibis above stopped for a couple of minutes to clean itself. A typical morning procedure that is always interesting to watch.

Generally, life is good.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

October in Utah


In autumn I always return to the same places and I am amazed every time at how different they are and how many endless discoveries they carry within themselves.

Generally, life is good.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Curious Behavior - II.

The Great Egret was fishing and jumping from place to place. Apparently, this was the easiest way for Egret to move through the swamp.

Egret lands after a high jump.

In a second there will be another jump, but for now, careful preparation for it.

Generally, life is good.