Sunday, May 13, 2018

American Bold Eagle in Flight

This my first and the only one photograph of an American Bold eagle.

It was February and Farmington Bay was welcoming and warm.

When I saw a flock of big brown birds soaring in the sky 

I thought that they are Turkey vultures.

Later looking on the screen of my camera I

was surprised that I photographed bold eagles.

It was a pure luck.



  1. Luck is those who look to the blue sky;)

  2. Your first and the only eagle photograph... better cherish this shot and frame it.

  3. Esto si que es una buena foto, Kaya. E pleno vuelo! Por cierto, las de la Ardilla son muy divertidas.jajaja!!!
    Un abrazo.

  4. Luck is to have that bird in your country. Excellent shot.
    A hug.

  5. Un ave emblemática. Preciosa fotografía con ese encuadre en el que las poderosas alas del águila siguen la diagonal.
    Una abrazo,

  6. Gorgeous photo!
    Have a happy weekend
    Kind regards
    Maria from
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco
