Friday, April 10, 2020

Yellow-headed Blackbird is Looking for Food

Blackbirds are challenging subjects to photograph. They are very active and it's  difficult to exposure properly their fine black feathers.  I always had a difficult time to photograph Blackbirds perching on the tall reeds but on the ground it was a little bit easier with exposure but not with composition.

My first portrait of male Yellow-headed Blackbird.

Here the Blackbird posed for a second and I got a shot without cutting his tail or bill.

Caught insect and ready to swallow it.

 Staying in the dry grass for a while. Soon in a few seconds the Blackbird will be gone.


  1. Qué distintos son esos mirlos con los de aquí. Estos son negros los machos y con un tono marrón las hembras y ambos con el pico naranja.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  2. Estos mirlos son especialmente bellos con su pecho y cabeza amarillos sobre el fondo de plumas negras del resto del cuerpo. El nivel de detalle de las fotografías es muy bueno.
    Cuidense mucho

  3. wow great captures. I saw one only once and didn't have my camera ready. I have always wanted to see one again. They normally aren't here.

  4. Son muy interesantes los colores de esos mirlos. no los había visto nunca con esos colores.


  5. wonderful big bird.... love the colors.
    great shots

  6. The somptuous Icteridae ...
    Nesting there ?

  7. Bellas aves los mirlos, Kaya, una belleza que has sabido captar con mucha maestría, me gusta el resultado.


  8. Bravo dear Kaya, they are so active but you took such beautiful photos, more than beautiful. :))) I adore your photos!
    Sending you a big hug. <3

  9. Красавчик. И в клюве что-то несет.

  10. Que maravilloso Kaya, las fotos son preciosas. Besos.
