Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Finally a Black-crowned Night Heron

This Heron gave me a very difficult time during last three weeks. Sometimes I thought that the Heron was teasing me.  

One week ago I saw the same Heron who of course flew away as soon as he saw me. Fortunately, he landed in the marsh that was close.

I was sitting in the tall grass and waiting for the Heron to take any action. Finally, he started to walk slowly along the marsh.

Here the Heron is looking at me and that was very nice of him.

Bye, bye...  The Heron took flight to explore other marshes.


In the middle of this adventure my battery went down and I had to walk to my car to get another battery.  When I returned back the Heron was gone but fortunately not out of my sight. 

That was one of those days when lady luck was on my side.


  1. the beautiful teaser ... 😊

  2. That little Black-crowned Night Heron is so cute sitting there like he's trying to hide from you. You got him though! The photos are awesome, as usual. You really work wonders with that camera, Way-to-Go!

    Wishing you all the best. Stay Safe, my friend!

  3. Bellisimas imagenes amiga... Me encanta esa en que te esta mirando
    Un abrazo

  4. Son preciosas las fotos y la garza un animal que me encanta. Un abrazo.

  5. An explorer of the swamp. The momentum is very determined.

  6. Hello Kaya,
    You are lucky to see this wonderful heron so close. He kept a close eye on you, but you were able to photograph him beautifully with that water and that green. Fantastic shots!!

    Greetings, Marco

  7. Preciosas fotografías. Estoy seguro de que no es la suerte la que estuvo de tu lado, sino la paciencia, la experiencia y el saber hacer.
    Un abrazo y salud,

  8. I always enjoy your photos and these are great. I would feel lucky if I could get photos like this of that guy. Only twice in my life I did and they weren't that good.

  9. Lo normal es que huyan ante la presencia humana. Lo importante es que al final has conseguido fotografiarlo y además has realizado unas fotos perfecta.


  10. La habilidad y destreza también es muy importante en este tipo de fotografías, Kaya y tu la tienes, buenas fotos.


  11. So beautiful...or should I say handsome :)
    Have a great day!
    Hugs 🌷

  12. Una bella secuencia de la garza. En la foto de la mirada parece que la garza te está retando.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  13. Wonderful photographs.

    All the best Jan
