Monday, October 23, 2017

Where Dreams Are - 1. Indian Summer

Every time I say "the last warm day" we have more warm days.
Indian summer is unpredictable this year.
Warm days, then cold freezing days, then again warm days.

Meanwhile, I am enjoying being in our local park. 
It's beautiful right now.


  1. Wonderful creations, love the third one specially.

    Is so pictoric and beautiful and brings me so many feelings that I can't keep my eyes out of it :))


  2. Indian summer brings magic in color, and the result of the three photos is special.

  3. Yes, it does look like a dream world. I am enjoying every minute of this gorgeous weather.

  4. The three pictures are a explosion of color and light. Very beautiful.
    A hug.

  5. Indian Summer, if and when it arrives way up here on the edge of Canada, usually is in November and normally will last only a day or two. There is little chance then that even warmer days will show up after it. And, if it has not come by Thanksgiving, odds are it is not coming .... not this year, anyway.

    I prefer your third photograph, too, Kaya. It has a magical aurora to it, sort of like a setting in a fairy tale .... my assumption is that elves live among the roots beneath the tree. Or, possibly, it is Yggdrasil, an ash tree from the mythology of the Old Norse.

  6. Tres fotografías a cual más bella en las que los tonos dorados y esa luz suave que lo envuelve todo crean un ambiente otoñal inigualable. Todas ellas, especialmente la tercera, tienen un cualidad pictórica innegable.
    Un abrazo,

  7. Belleza otoñal en estas fotografías, Kaya, un colorido mágico en en todas pero la ultima me gusta en especial, buenos trabajos.

