Saturday, October 21, 2017

Girl with a Jar

We remember moments, not days.

I don't remember the exact day I found the small village chapel 
but I remember three dogs who greeted me in the chapel's backyard. 
They were big, old and hardly walked. 

Those were my unforgettable moments; 
the old dogs, the colorful carpet of autumn leaves, 
nice crispy air and peacefulness of a small and welcoming place.

This time I didn't meet the dogs. The backyard was neatly cleaned. Its cleanness was sad and not inviting.
But there was something new and unexpected. 
There was the stature of a girl with a jar I didn't see before. 

You come to places you like and expect them to be the same 
but those places always betray you.


  1. You hit the nail on the head; shot a bulls-eye; scored the winning point. I have lived in quite a number places and do not return to any without a specific reason because almost always few things and few people are recognizable. There is no purposeful betrayal, but life is perpetual motion and change is inevitable.

    As for your statue, Kaya, I think it will add a new memory, perhaps even a memory equal to or better than the original. The photograph is wonderful. I cannot think of a way to improve upon it. Still, it would be interesting to return a few times and to photograph it from varying angles and with artificial lighting set at varying locations.

  2. Beautiful story. Final Philosophical Finding.
    The light highlights what the woman holds in her hand.
    Good contrast.

  3. Well done. You have a knack with using light in your photos to your advantage.

  4. Beautiful and trueful words, beautiful sculpture and lovely picture.

    Thanks for sharing so much :))


  5. Todo cambia, nada permanece. En todo caso la estatua de la mujer con cántaro es muy buena con un buen trabajo de la iluminación.
    Un abrazo,

  6. Un buen trabajo de edición con esa iluminación selectiva .
    A hug

  7. Atractiva imagen, Kaya, me gusta ese juego de luces y sombras.

