Friday, October 6, 2017

West Land - 32. More on Geese

Geese already chose a leader who will guide them 
to the final destination in their migration. 
How do they choose a leader is a mystery for me?
I only can guess that geese somehow know 
that particular bird is the wisest and the strongest.


  1. The guns will reach their destination and will remain in our memory with drawings in the sky and these fine-grained photos.

  2. Una secuencia muy interesante en la que has conseguido captarlos volando en formación en V en la que uno de ellos abre el camino y los otros lo siguen minimizando el esfuerzo. Un grupo en busca de su destino.
    Un abrazo,

  3. Creatures of the animal kingdom are a lot smarter than what people give them credit for.

  4. Unas fotos fantásticas!!! Saludos desde España.

  5. When I lived in Dakota, there were a few years when I stood outside looking left and right, forward and back, and could see nothing but flights of geese for as far as my vision could reach. This constant movement sometimes went on for three or four days and nights without interruption. Many thousands of geese in migration .... spectacular, to say the least.

    Neat photographs, Kaya ....

  6. Los has captado en pleno "desfile", Kaya, con esas formaciones en V tan características de estas aves, buenas tomas.

