Friday, April 20, 2018

Sacred Bird

White-faced ibis.


In ancient Egypt killing an ibis was punishable by death.

Ibis was considered a sacred bird.

It's interesting that when American naturalists saw for the first time ibises

they confused them with herons, storks and curlews.


In April 2015 I saw for the first time Glossy ibises.

I was driving on the country roads when I spotted big beautiful birds.

They were flying in flocks over a field.  That was my first encounter with ibises.

Glossy ibises.



  1. A delicate act in the first photo.
    Film script in the other two.

  2. Какое красивое оперение у птиц.
    Очень понравилось фото, где их тууууча!
    Интересный у тебя "птичий" период в жизни, Кая. Столько удивительного ты видишь.

  3. Вообще впечатление, что птицы сделаны из позеленевшей местами бронзы)

  4. A wonderful bird with a curved beak and beautiful feathers. The pictures are beautiful, all. Regards.

  5. The Ibis...beautiful!!!
    Each photo is gorgeous!!!
    Ancient Egypt knew what they were doing protecting the Ibis!!!

    Warm Hugs 💮❤💮❤💮

  6. Wow!!!.. Pretty pictures .. Good weekend

  7. No sabía que tu país existiera el Ibis Sagrado de los egipcios, aunque el egipto es blanco. Me encanta el desbordante colorido de los Ibis en desbandada.
    Un abrazo.
