Sunday, July 8, 2018

Most Glorious Day

Time flies. It seems that only recently was March and I was learning how to photograph American avocets in flight.  The whole experience was exciting but not very promising and often frustrating.

Looking at these photographs I think how elegant and beautiful these birds were, how excited I was watching them and taking photos.

Things have changed since March. I am not anymore overly excited seeing avocets, I learned to be calm and not to take pictures if these birds far away because the photos would be blur.

Today is July 8th. I open the page of my little book of wisdom "Everyday Mindfulness" and it says:

And now, this is the sweetest and most glorious day that ever my eyes did see.

Hmm, that is a wonderful reminder about daring to see the day glorious and sweetest no matter what was yesterday. It's difficult but I try. 

Today my old dog Tasha is still with us and I hope that she would stay with us for a while.  Meanwhile, she is sleeping next to me while I am writing. I often say to her,

Tasha, we will take one day at a time.  And today will be one of the sweetest and most glorious days because you are still with us.


  1. A moment of life.
    A beautiful bird play.

  2. Beautiful post and reminder and those photos!! gorgeous. You do have a great "eye" for nature.

  3. Observo las fotos muy bien enfocadas y con muy buena definición, a pesar de que las aves están en movimiento.


  4. Pues estas aprendiendo deprisa, porque no es fácil tomar fotografías de aves danzarinas. Y sobre todo obtener tan buenos resultados.
    Un abrazo.

  5. Precioso Baile! Buena toma, Kaya... Como siempre!
    Un abrazo.

  6. Bonitos los momentos captados, Kaya, con mucha habilidad y destreza y con una luz estupenda, buen trabajo.


  7. Bellisimas imagenes estas que has captado, amiga
