Monday, July 30, 2018

Mini World -I.

From time to time I look at my old photographs taken during last seven years.

It's like going back in time and "reading" your own stories 

written with a camera.

THEN.  Autumn.  Deserted Antelope island. A group of Japanese students.
I am with my first camera Nikon D3000. 

I like it and trust it completely.
Japanese students ask me to take their pictures.

I am nervous but try to stay calm.  

This is my first "serious" experience taking pictures of people 

which would lead to more unforgettable experiences.

This is a time of big expectations and a hope 

that some day I would be where I want to be.

NOW.  I am on social media which made me very vulnerable in a sense that I 

have to think twice what to say, to write and to post.

I want to write. I have things to say, stories to tell that are mine but each time I

 try to do that I feel that I am on the edge of a cliff and with one little step

 forward I will find myself falling down scared and empty.

Scared that there will be only silence, long and dense...