Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Snowy Egrets at Bear River

June 19, 2018.  My first Snowy Egret I met at Bear river.

September 3, 2018. Snowy Egret was hiding in the tall grass looking for fish.

June 19, 2018.   Another opportunity to photograph this beautiful bird.


  1. The first photo shows the beauty of the egret, the cleanliness of the world in which it lives. In the other two, the obstacles in her world are observed.

  2. Preciosas fotografías de esta garceta blancoa, especialmente la primera en la que se la contempla con todo detalle.
    Un abrazo,

  3. I cannot recall ever seeing an egret, but probably have and mistakenly thought it was a heron or a crane or a ....

    I think your first photograph is best in a technical sense, Kaya, but the second is best in an artistic sense because it shows the bird busy in its environment. I suppose the third falls into that category, too, but the "guy" looks sort of mussed up.

  4. so beautiful. I love what your "eye' and your camera can do.

  5. These are truly amazing! Love the one where he is partially behind the reeds.
