Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Chukar Partridge

or simply Chukar.

I found Chukar at Farmington Bay.  There were two of them

but one was hiding in the grass and the bird on the pictures was peacefully

wondering around.


Chukars breed in summer.  During courtship the male has to show the 

female many wonderful qualities to win her heart.

He shows that he can be a good provider.

He pecks at food and the female may visit to peck at it also.

If it doesn't work. The male Chukar tries to show the female

 what a great singer he is.

Some female birds find the male voice irresistible.

When Chukars form a couple they stay together through many seasons.


  1. I had never heard of this bird before - what beautiful colors! Love the lighting and everything about these. I would love to sketch one if i have your permission.

    1. Dear Sandy, of course, you have my permission to sketch this bird. I am very excited to see your art work.

    2. then I will dojust THAT! thanks!

  2. Te envidio la paciencia y el dominio que tienes en estos temas, Kaya. Preciosa!!!
    Un afuerte abrazo.

  3. Beauty at superlative, high-class photos.

  4. Te has convertido en una experta en este tipo de fotografías, y no es fácil fotografiar aves que están siempre en movimiento. Bonitas fotos.


  5. You have come up with a bird I have heard of, but never actually seen, Kaya. The range of the chukar partridge does not include Minnesota or any parts of South Dakota or Montana in which I have lived, although I noted there have been sightings of it in those two states.

    It is a gorgeous bird, and your photography is terrific. The partridge in the first shot looks like it is posing .... I suppose it could be a celebrity among the chukar community and is used to paparazzi following it around .... hmmmm ....

  6. Muy bello el modo en que has captado a este ave, tan elegante
    Un abrazo, amiga

  7. Красивая птица.
    Я недавно додумалась нажимать кнопку "перевести" и теперь читаю твои красивые тексты на французском))

  8. Tres grandes fotografías con un manejo perfecto de la profundidad de campo manteniendo el foco nítido sobre las aves y desenfocando suavemente el resto para evitar distracciones innecesarias. Fotografiar a la perdiz me parece difícil porque suele mimetizarse muy bien con el terreno por lo que cuando está quieta pasa desapercibida y, cuando se mueve, corre con gran rapidez.
    Un abrazo,

  9. Boa tarde, belas fotos da Perdiz, ela é linda e deixou-se fotografar calmamente.

  10. Buenas fotos de un ave, la perdiz, que es muy escurridiza. Me gustan las gotas de rocio sobre la hojas de hierba.
    Un abrazo.

  11. ·.
    What a coincidence! Yesterday, on a mountain walk, first one and then another one took off under my feet. I loved.
    I had never seen the partridges so close to me, although many times at a distance.
    Your photos are magnificent.
    A hug

    LMA · & · CR

  12. Thank you so much. This bird is new for me. Love to see them.
