Tuesday, November 19, 2019


There are so many species of sparrows that they have a reputation of being "difficult", difficult to see well and difficult to identify.

A House sparrow.

A House sparrow.

A Swamp sparrow.

Farmington Bay in November. 


  1. Precioso gorrión, un ave que convive con nosotros en las ciudades y que antes era mucho más abundante. Me gusta la última fotografía con esas cañas reflejándose en las aguas.
    Un abrazo,

  2. They are ready for winter.
    Light and charming tones.

  3. I am afraid I am among those who find sparrows "difficult." To me, Kaya, they fall into two categories: bigger ones and smaller ones.

    On the other hand, your "still life" of Farmington Bay in November sends my memory and my imagination into overdrive. I recall wading and paddling a canoe through such places and loving every moment of it, and I imagine myself doing it again in each of the four seasons and loving it and feeling absolutely at home.

    Superb photography, Kaya ....

  4. Son muy simpáticas estas aves, cuando desayuno en alguna terraza de un bar, siempre están revoloteando alrededor en espera de que caiga una migaja, yo con disimulo, le hecho alguna miguita de pan. Lo que es muy fácil distiguir el macho de la hembra.


  5. i love the different sparrows species. I "think" I got a songbird sparrow ..photos... when we first moved here but since then I haven't seen them. They hang at the lake not in my yard. Great photos!

  6. Ay, la inmensa belleza de lo pequeño, como lo es este pequeño pajarillo... Preciosas imagenes
    Un abrazo

  7. Todas las imagenes son preciosa. Un abrazo.

  8. For the sparrow I do not know, but for the landscape I can say : wonderful.

  9. I've always been in awe of your photography your B&W photos AND MOMENTS IN TIME WITH PEOPLE that just took my breath away, tell me you still have those blogs, or that they are on google or that some gallery saw your photos and bought them all at a huge amount to show in their Gallery that would make me oh so thrilled!

    1. Lorraine, all my old blogs are gone.
      Thank you so much for your kind words.
      By the way, I enjoy your photography very much and always did.

  10. Es una gorrión precioso fotografiado de manera excelente. La pena es que están desapareciendo, sobre todo en las ciudades. En invierno lo pasan mal porque escasea su alimentación.
    Un abrazo.

  11. I saw this kind of bird in our backyard....love the song.

  12. Absolutely breathless pictures- I love sparrows they remind me my canary :-D
    You have a fantastic eye to the nature and animals .

    Have a lovely weekend xx

  13. Te una mirada de complicitat envers a tu, Kaya. Y els reflexos del llac son increible!!
    Un abraçada.

  14. ¿Existe algún pájaro más simpático que el gorrión? Preciosas fotos

  15. Bonita fotos del gorrión, Kaya, un ave muy común y apreciado por aquí.


  16. Hi Kaya!!! I love all the sparrows of the word... so beautiful the Chingolo (Song Sparrow) Greetings from Spain...

  17. Parecen reales. Dan ganas de tocarlos. Bellísimos Kaya.
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

  18. Un tempo questi passeri ce ne tantissimi, ora sono pochi.
    Una buona serata a te.

  19. Preciosas imágenes Kaya y aquí si son cada día más difíciles de ver, y yo apenas distingo unos de otros. Besos.

  20. Hello Kaya: The first two pictures are House Sparrow. The third picture, the sparrow in the reeds, is a Swamp Sparrow.
