Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Immature Black-Crowned Night Heron

I photographed this young heron in September at Bear river at the same spot where Great Blue herons usually were fishing.  Young night herons are so different from adults. They are not as colorful as they will be when they mature.

Night herons like to nest in colonies sometimes sharing the same trees.  Chicks leave the nest well before they can fly, climbing through branches into another nests. They sometimes beg for food and receive it from adults other than their parents.


  1. He is very proud! Clear and beautiful details.

  2. This is a fairly common species here, Kaya, and always a pleasure to see. There may be the odd one still around but most of them will have migrated by now.

  3. Muy bien las has captado. La toma refleja una gran naturalidad.


  4. fortunate you were able to see and capture this. I have only seen night herons twice in my life - one time at our lake and one time in Santa Barbara on the pier, a night heron was perched perfectly happy to watch people go by.

  5. Perfecto el enfoque sobre la cabeza. Como todo joven, parece estar en actitud de captar información a su alrededor.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Mira muy atento, tú también lo hiciste. Gran tiro.
    Un abrazo.

  7. glad to learn about night heron society where Youngs could get food from any adults in addition to their own parents.
    Great shot

  8. Impresionante al arte que tienes fotografiando aves
    Un abrazo

  9. Estupenda fotografía manteniendo la profundidad de campo justa para que la joven garza quede perfectamente enfocada y destacada del resto.
    Un abrazo,

  10. Muy bonita la fotografía de la garza y muy interesante la historia .
    Un abrazo.

  11. Wow you have great knowledge about birds- I have never seen heron in nature :-)
    Like always so stunning picture of the nature.

    Have a lovely weekend dear

  12. Bella fotografía, Kaya, con un estupendo trabajo de enfoque-desenfoque.

