Saturday, February 29, 2020

Pied-billed Grebes at Farmington Bay -II. Preening

Preening is a very serious business for birds. They have so many feathers and cleaning each feather helps to keep it in the top condition. 

Moisturizing its feathers with a preen oil, so they will be flexible and strong instead of brittle and easily breakable. 

Keeping feathers healthy helps also to attract a mate. A healthier, more attractive bird will attract a stronger mate and have a better chance to raise many strong, healthy chicks.

Bathing.  A grebe is splashing water around to moisten all the feathers before it starts preening.  Bath removes dust, dirt and parasites from feathers before a bird starts to put each feather into its proper position.

Stretching. It helps to provide space between each feather so the entire feather will be stroked and groomed nicely.

The grebe uses his bill and feet to preen each feather.

Sunning.  It helps to squeeze the oil from a preen gland easily and spread to different feathers.

It's not easy to be a bird. They preen regularly to keep themselves healthy, they are constantly looking for food, they are surrounded by predators and then raise their chicks and prepare them for the adult life. 


  1. Hello Kaya,
    It's so nice to see how you've photograph this beautiful grebe. Nicely so bathing with the splashing water.
    Wonderful colors and a good sharpness. Big compliments Kaya. Well done!!

    Greetings, Marco

  2. Disfrutan del agua, como niños.

    Son muy buenas las tomas.


  3. Un interesante y bello reportaje de como se acicalan las avez.
    Un abrazo.

  4. Una serie preciosa en la que nos muestras con todo detalle el proceso de acicalado y limpieza de las plumas. Nuevamente las gotitas de agua volando alrededor son el toque perfecto.
    Un abrazo,

  5. catching up here - i love these preening photos - ... !

  6. Pied-billed Grebes behaviors look so actives....cute
