Sunday, March 1, 2020

Toward the Sun

Canada geese are so beautiful in flight!  I wish I could see them flying more often to remember and cherish these moments for a long long time.  


  1. Tienen un vuelo muy elegante y el contraste con el cielo crea una buena fotografía.
    Un abrazo.

  2. Todos siguen la misma dirección.
    Es de gran belleza su vuelo.


  3. I always saw this kind of birds flight formation in the afternoon during summer season....
    however, I didn't know the species of the birds whether Canadian geese or not....

    # Great shot

  4. There are times some years during spring and autumn migrations when you stand outside in Dakota and look left and right and forward and back and there are countless flights of geese as far as the eye can see in any direction. The most amazing part is sometimes the migration will last two or three days and nights like that without let up. Such times truly create a sight and a sound which will remain in an individual's memory for a lifetime ....

    By the way, a young bald eagle was perched in a neighbor's tree a few days ago. It is not uncommon to see them fly over, but rather rare to have one "stop and visit" for a while ....

    Yes, really a superb photograph, Kaya ....

  5. Muy buena imagen... Bellisima captura, amiga
    Un abrazo

  6. Hello Kaya,
    Wonderful to see these geese in their flight.
    A beautiful sky and nice with the bokeh of the sun.

    Greetings, Marco

  7. They seem ready to do a raid at a great distance.

  8. Su vuelo en formación es muy llamativo y, vistos así, recortados contra el azul del cielo más aún.
    Un abrazo,

  9. They are beautiful birds, but on the ground they can make a mess. They took over a park where I used to live and everyone began calling it "Bird Poop Park"

  10. Bonita toma con los gansos en pleno vuelo,Kaya, es interesante ver como se organizan para realizar sus vuelos en formación.

