Friday, May 29, 2020

My First Western Kingbird

Going out into the field I never know what bird I might see. I just try to keep my eyes wide open and listen to unfamiliar sounds. 

Last week I noticed a little bird perching on the poll. I have never seen this bird before. It was very vocal and so beautiful.

Later the bird moved to the barbed wire. I hate to see birds on the barbed wires, I am always concerned that they can hurt themselves. I heard the stories were birds were tangled up into the wires and were injured badly.

It seemed that the little bird used to perch on the barbed wires and was very cautious. 

This photo I took yesterday in the late afternoon.

After my encounter with this little bird I tried to find out what bird I met and photographed.  I wasn't successful until recently I came upon a Western Kingbird.

Western Kingbirds are grayish on top, have yellow bellies, black tales edged in white and straight bills. The Kingbirds are "tyrants" and will attack much larger birds that can come to their nests.

Western Kingbirds are migratory. They spend winters in the southern Mexico and Central America.


  1. Beautiful, proud; stylish photos.

  2. Excellent photography Kaya ❤

  3. another bird I've never seen before. Great photos! it's so fun to see a new one around and then work at identifying it.

  4. Disculpe, Kaya, but why not Cassin’s Kingbird, Tyrannus vociferus ?

    1. You're right, Kaya, this is a Western Kingbird.
      Sorry for the mix-up.

    2. Cão, a Cassin's Kingbird was my first choice also.

  5. Impresionantes imagenes, amiga... Con un tremendo nivel de detalle
    Un abrazo

  6. parece que estuviera posando para tí. En la segunda parece que nos quisiera decirnos algo o quizás un saludo de buenos días.

    Tienen tus fotos mucha calidad.


  7. Otra bonita y especial serie en la que me gusta muy especialmente la tercera fotografía en la que el ave parece estar posando para tu cámara.
    Un abrazo y salud,

  8. Espectaculares fotos, me encantan Kaya. Besos.
