Saturday, May 30, 2020

White-Faced Ibises

The White-faced Ibises are already at Bear River for a few weeks but I didn't have a chance to get close to them until one week ago I saw a group of Ibises in the muddiest part of river.

Here they are beautiful and elegant birds that never cease to amaze me.

It's now 11:30 pm. We are having fire on one of our hills.  The firemen arrived half an hour ago. The wind from the canyon is strong this evening and it spreads fire so quickly.

 Almost every summer we are having a fire. I hope that we will not be evacuated, that everything in the morning will be OK. The old trees are burning up on the hill and some of them will never recover. 

I always thought that 2020 sounded so futuristic, so promising and here we are in pandemic and on top of it is fire. 


  1. lovely lights.
    sorry for the bush fire ... 🤞🏻

  2. A bird attentive to feathers, with a very well highlighted color.
    The group is triangular in shape, as if they were fighter jets.

  3. Que belleza luce en su plumaje, muy buenas toma, Kaya.


  4. I hope the fire is out and all is well and no evacuations needed. From experience in the mountains for almost 10 years now - fires are so destructive and later it's amazing how beautiful the forest recovers again. We had some really old areas of forest burn so badly , several of them in the last four years or so and now what's growing again is looking so healthy. We only had to evacuate one time. I hope that all is looking better today. Those Ibis photos are beautiful - the colors amazing. you have such great wildlife in your area.

    1. Sandy, we are OK. The fire was put down and they didn't evacuate us. The night was sleepless, I got out during it a few times to check on fire. I hope that some trees will recover and we have again a beautiful forest with birds.
      Thank you!!!

    2. I am glad to read this. I know where I live we love the quick responses to the fires we have every year.

  5. Es una alegría ver la libertad, que tienen estas aves.


  6. Que sitio tan bonito debe ser el río Bear, por la cantidad de fauna que no muestras. Siempre pensé que el Ibis esra un ave solo de Egipto por aquellos de su mitología. Como siempre un preciosos reportaje.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  7. Pleased to read that the fire was put down and they didn't evacuate you.

    Lovely series of photographs.

    All the best Jan

  8. Wonderful photos of this beautiful bird! Greetings Susanne :)

  9. Muy buenas las fotos, me encanta. Un abrazo.

  10. Me alegro que al final el fuego fuese apagado y no tuvieran que evacuarles. Los ibis son espectaculares, especialmente esa segunda fotografía en la que aparece con las alas en alto.
    Un abrazo y salud,

  11. Hola Kaya, son unas fotos espectaculares, que bonita ave. Besos.

  12. Lovely photos of a lovely bird! Good to hear the fire’s been put down. I hope everything comes back to normal soon, hopefully better.
    Greetings from Sri Lanka!
