Friday, July 3, 2020

Fearless Cattle Egrets

Seeing these birds and watching them running and feeding on insects between the legs of cows was a true adventure.  I was impressed how fearless Cattle Egrets were.

Mostly Egrets were around cows but sometimes some would suddenly walk away, then stopped for a short while and then return back to cows.  

This Egret never left a cow, he walked with it, sometimes in front of it, sometimes behind.

Something stopped this Egret to follow a cow. I wonder what?

Looking for insects or a big fat grasshopper.

Cattle Egrets are not native to our country, they somehow found their way to US from Africa many years ago. 


  1. Awww, that little Cattle Egret is so cute, and fearless. I love the photos, they're beautiful. You got some really great shots. Happy 4th of July, Kaya! Wishing you all the best, Stay Safe!

  2. commensalism is rather based on a necessary trust.
    It is also common to see little white herons perched on their feeding companions.

  3. Hello Kaya, those are very lovely photos! Cattle egrets are very fearless birds indeed. They even live in the city - and scavenge from garbage dumps!

  4. The giant and the tiny chick.

  5. Los animales te sorprenden a la hora de escoger compañía.

    Como siempre, has captado unas buenas imágenes.


  6. Espectaculares escenas, amiga... Muy bellas imagenes
    Un abrazo

  7. Una serie muy bien lograda. Siempre que veo este tipo de comportamiento entre las garcetas y el ganado vacuno creo que hay una asociación en la que ambas partes se benefician y, por tanto, se cuidan y se toleran.
    Un abrazo

  8. how cute, that must have been fun to see.

  9. En ocasiones los animales son más amigables que los humanos, bonitas imágenes, Kaya.


  10. Your third photograph is wonderful …

    All the best Jan
