Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Killdeer and Its Trickery

To keep the eggs and young safe from predators, the Killdeer use camouflage and trickery.

I saw once how a bird acted as if it was injured, a Killdeer was flopping on the ground, but when I got close it flew away leaving me dumbfounded.  

A Killdeer often pretends to have a broken wing to protect eggs or young.  This behavior called "a broken-wing act" that often accompanied by pitiful call.  

A Killdeer also can stumble and drag one wing.  It can be very convincing. If you try to follow it, a bird will lead you to a safe distance from the its nest and then will take off and fly away. Later it will sneak back to the nest.  

Generally, life is good!


  1. Hermosas fotos Kaya, la primera foto es espectacular. Besos.

  2. Olá minha querida Kaya!
    Que lindas fotografias, a primeira está deslumbrante.
    Um doce beijinho.
    Megy Maia☔💮☔

  3. The behavior that some birds adopt to protect their physical integrity or their young is very interesting. Greetings Kaya

  4. this short distance is full of interest and in the same glance, questions ...

  5. An intelligent bird by the way it avoids people.

  6. que astutos son los Killdeer, Kaya, buenos disparos.


  7. Son más inteligentes de lo que nos suponemos. Me encanta la primera fotografía, es preciosa.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  8. Buena astucia para defender a sus crías.

    Me gusta en la primera, en la que parece que se está acicalando sus alas.

