Wednesday, July 22, 2020

They Are Teenagers - V. Between the Wings

Every spring American White Pelicans fly thirty miles each day to Gunnison Island to feed their offsprings and then they fly back to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge another thirty miles to get more food.  It's exhausting but that is what they are doing for many years.  

When the time comes adult Pelicans will bring their young ones to the refuge that they will learn how to be on their own before a long migration.

This guy is spreading his wings after diving for food and it looks like he is saying to others " notice me, look at me..."

Landing and keeping his wings like two big umbrellas.


  1. will they migrate in the same time than the parents or later?

    1. Cão, the adults will start migration and the young ones will follow them.
      Some start migrating early, others later.

  2. Beautiful photos. I love learning and this I didn't know - so now i do... the long trip to Gunnison Island and then back again to Bear River.

  3. They are strong and like to play.
    The light highlights them beautifully.

  4. Hasta que se puedan buscar la comida porsus propios medios, tienen que estar dependiendo de sus padres. pronto se convertirán en adultos y formarán nuevas familias.

    Las fotos, como siempre, son admirables.


  5. They look even bigger with their wings wide open. Lovely photos, greetings from Janitha!
