Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Western Grebe During Nesting - II.

It's not always peaceful during nesting.  While swimming around her nest the Grebe was chased by the gang of two Grebes. Here she is escaping and almost running on the water.

Checking on eggs and rearranging the nest.

A future father. My feelings about him are mixed. He lately is never around his mate. Who knows where he spends his time.  But... he helped to make the nest more dense, more secure adding a lot of short and long sticks to it. 

During my last visit I saw three eggs in the nest.  Will be it forth soon or not?  Usually, Western Grebes lay three to four eggs. I hope to see one more egg soon.

To photograph the nesting Grebe is getting more difficult. It looks that her floating nest is more hidden in the grass. When the Grebe sits on it she is almost invisible. My guess is that the nest was moved more into the marsh.


  1. A real mess. I hope the puppies will be at least as enthusiastic.

  2. Buen reportaje fotográfico del Grebe, Kaya, con fotos muy buenas.


  3. Son preciosas las fotos, muy buen reportaje. Un abrazo.

  4. ahh 3 eggs - it will be fun looking for a 4th.

  5. Parece, qu se me había pasado, estas excelentes escenas que has captado. Ahora las puedo apreciar , sin perder un solo detalle.

