Thursday, October 29, 2020

Elegant Fast Runners

I photographed these Pronghorns during their mating season that started at the beginning of September and would last till October.  A male (buck) during this time would have a harem of two to four females who would decide which male's harem to join and stay there. 

Females mate with many males and often will have twins born from two different fathers.

The Pronghorns sleep only ten minutes per day, most of the time they are looking for food or just moving from one place to another.

Taking a short rest.

Can you imagine that this young slender Pronghorn can swim?  And can do it very well.  

Pronghorns are incredibly fast runners.  If bisons can run 40 miles per hour (I always try to remember it),  Pronghorns are running at speeds of up to 53 miles.  They are almost as fast as cheetahs.  

Generally, life is good!

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