Monday, October 12, 2020

Oregon Dark-eyed Juncos at Garr Ranch

My very first bird I photographed was a male Dark-eyed Junco.  It was the beginning of winter and I was so happy to take a few photos of this bird on the snow. What I didn't know by that time that there are so many variations of Dark-eyed Juncos.

One week ago while visiting Garr Ranch on Antelope Island I saw several birds on the ground who resembled so much my first Dark-eyed Junco only they looked a little bit different. They were females Oregon Dark-eyed Junco.  

That day I saw only females Junco on the ground and no males around. Apparently, the females don't do well being among many males Junco, they even tend to winter farther south, away from the males who stay farther north.

At some point one of females decided to perch on the tree for a while showing gracefully her beauty.

This Junco is holding a piece of dry grass, I assume she found a seed on it.

Dark-eyed Juncos live up to 3 years. I read that some of them live even longer but it's very rare.

Generally, life is good!

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