Monday, October 26, 2020

" I Am a Big Bird, Don't Mess With Me..."

Birds use songs and calls to communicate but like us, humans, their body language sometimes tells a lot about how a bird feels and what action it is going to take.

This Snowy Egret is preparing to go into fight, he is annoyed and aggressive. His feathers are up on his head, the body is tense and slightly bent forward.  The Egret is saying in his own way, " I am a big bird, don't mess with me."

To look even more threatening he raised his feathers on his back and looks bigger and more powerful.

This photo I took when a fight was over and the Egret calmed down.  Here he is relaxed and ready to continue fishing. His feathers are almost slick, his wings and tail are closed.

This moment is very important, the Egret is making a decision to go into fight or not and looks a little bit hesitant but the feathers on his head are up and indicate he certainly is going to fight.

Generally, life is good!

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