Friday, November 13, 2020

Every Landing is Different - II.


That chilly morning I had a fantastic opportunity to watch and photograph the Northern Shovelers in landing and also practice panning.  Of course, not all photographs came out okey but a few were worthwhile to edit and post here.

The photo above is one of my favorites.  The Northern Shoveler lands beautifully, sliding nicely on the water.

What can I say about this landing?  I think that it was well thought and smooth.

This Norther Shoveler is joining others, he is not hurting anyone in this powerful  landing.

The bill of Northern Shovelers is big and looks like a shoveler, it also acts as a colander, a filter that helps to get rid of all not good stuff from the water.

Generally, life is good!


  1. The arching of the wings is amazingly beautiful.

  2. Your post is inspiring…love, love, love it! You did a wonderful job with it. Thank you for sharing this inspiration. I hope you had a nice week, wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    Stay Safe, my friend!

  3. Tiene mucha vistosidad los aterrizajes. Cada uno es diferente al otro, pero todos tienen una gran belleza plástica.


  4. generally your shots are fine ! 😘

  5. Muy buena habilidad para "congelar" a estas aves en pleno aterrizaje sin perder la calidad de imagen, Kaya. Buenos trabajos.


  6. Hello Kaya,
    Wonderful shots. Great this moment while his landing.
    The feathers in the first are so amazing. Well done!!

    Greetings, Marco

  7. Cada aterrizaje es diferente y cada cual es mas bello. Me encanta sobretodo el primero.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.
