Friday, December 11, 2020

Bear River in October


October is the month of acceptance for me. Acceptance that some birds are migrant and sooner or later they will leave the Bear River and with their departure the River will be different and look deserted until ducks, hawks, Bald eagles and Tundra Swans will arrive and bring life to it again.

A flock of Green-winged Teals is flying along the shore.

In October the River is changing its colors rapidly, some days it's deep blue and vibrant but there are days that Bear River is dull and gray. 

Generally, life is good!


  1. One of my favorite things is seeing how the angle of light on the water and the clouds covering the sun and then clearing again - how it makes for different feelings as i look out . Love these photos. One who spends a lot of time near a lake or body of water, sees this and feels it. you definitely do. We don't have near the migration happening that you do up there. But, I'm always happy to see the pelicans come back. One time you posted migration of geese - and i knew in my photos I had some pictures of some geese (not the snow geese but the gray black, can't think of their name) and I spend so much time trying to find them again but so far no luck. I am going to say that today will be the day.

  2. Es la dinámica de todos los años. Las aves emigran para alejarse del crudo invierno y volverán cuando el tiempo sea más templado. Es como si tuvieran una segunda residencia. Ojalá todos pudiéramos hacer lo mismo.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  3. As usual, your photos are absolutely amazing! You really captured some beautiful shots here. Thank you for sharing this inspiration.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend! Stay Safe, my friend!

  4. The river still has fauna, and this makes the photos captivating.

  5. Hay mucha vida en el mes de octubre y eso se plasma en tus fotografías. El río echará de menos la compañía de estas aves, pero terminarán regresando a él, cuando finalice el invierno.


  6. Deal Olya, miss you very much! :*

  7. Анечка, я тоже очень скучаю и часто думаю о тебе.
    Обнимаю. Береги себя!
