Sunday, December 27, 2020

One Friendly Group

It's always fascinating to see different birds that share peacefully the same place.

The group above I met in late September had Franklin's Gulls that were peacefully napping, several Snowy Egrets also joined this group and of course majestic Pelicans who were at the head of the group.


These two Egrets chose to stay apart from the crowd.  Sometimes it's nice to have a little bit privacy.

Generally, life is good!


  1. no real competition in terms of food or water level.

  2. Egrets detached from the group knew they would look better in photos...🙂

  3. Hello Kaya,
    These pictures are so nice again.
    Great to see thsese birds with a nice reflection in the quiet water.
    The first picture is very special with the three different types together.

    Greetings, Marco

  4. Querida Kaya mi ilusión es ver un Pelicano en persona, no se si podrá ser, pero te agradezco poder disfrutar de estas maravillosas fotos, es como poder tocarlos, me encantan. Un fuerte abrazo.

  5. Sobre todo unos grupos de aves muy bellas. Hay que darle tiempo a las relaciones sociales y también a la soledad.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.
