Friday, January 29, 2021

Mule Deer in January - I.

I read that looking at the length of deer antlers, his legs and his neck you can determine his age.  I tried to do it looking at the male Mule deer I photographed  last Tuesday on Antelope Island. 

I can tell that the Mule deer has long antlers and they stick out as far as his nose, his legs look shorter and his neck is muscular. I believe that this deer is about three years old.


Deer have eyes on the side of their head and they have a very good vision.  They also have an excellent hearing due to the ability to rotate their ears in three directions without moving their heads.

This young Mule deer stayed close to his mother never leaving her side but at some moment he suddenly ran toward his father and was with him for a while.

The mule deer in winter are eating everything that is available.

A deer also likes to flaunt his antlers to impress female as if he saying to her " Look how handsome I am."  Having nice antlers also signals to the female that this male is healthy and superior.

The young deer usually stay close to their parents.

Generally, life is good!


  1. To live in the wild you need good assets and those of the six senses are not too much!
    Beautiful images.

  2. Una nuevas y excelentes fotografías de los ciervos. Las astas son un elemento a la vez defensivo y discriminador a la hora de elegir pareja.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  3. In winter it is more difficult for them to find food. Beautiful, innocent specimens, stylish photos.

  4. Ahora en la nieve, debe de costar bastante trabajo conseguir alimentos. Como todas las madres, ellas están pendientes de que no corran ningún peligro sus crías.


  5. Wow Kaya que maravillosas fotos, es espectacular verlos así. Me encanta. Besos.

  6. Wonderful observations and moments with these lovely creatures! Many thanks, Kaya. Wish you a happy February.

    Huge hugs. isabella

  7. Bonitas imágenes, Kaya, mostrándonos la dificultad que tienen esos venados en encontrar comida por culpa de la nieve. Buenas fotografías.


  8. Wonderful captures... I enjoyed reading.
