Thursday, March 4, 2021

Acrobatics of American Gold Finch


All birds do it, they have to grow new feathers once or twice a year to stay warm and dry. Sometimes in different seasons they grow different colored feathers like this American Gold Finch who is in his winter plumage.

The small birds have in their arsenal several interesting techniques for reaching for dry seeds while they are balancing on the thin branches.  

The Finch is looking for flowers that have seeds.

This technique is complicated. The Finch holds two crossed branches and tries to reach a seed in upside down position.

Let's see does this flower have seeds?  

Apparently, the flower didn't have seeds and the Finch decided leave this branch.

The small birds like Finch can perch on branches and flowers easily, they hold them tightly by their flexible toes that sort of, locks, that keep them on a branch or a flower.  

Generally, life is good!


  1. Un reportaje precioso, con gran nitidez y buenos instantes.
    Un abrazo, Kaya.

  2. Una serie estupenda en el que llama la atención la nitidez y precisión del enfoque para hacer destacar todos los detalles del pajarillo, incluso en vuelo.
    Un fuerte abrazo, amiga.

  3. Es precioso su plumaje, por su tamaño le encuentro un cierto parecido con el gorrión.


  4. Spectacular images of this American gold finch Kaya, greetings and happy weekend

  5. I've always loved teh American goldfinch. We only get the lesser ones here... I have had the opportunity in the past to see one when we are elsewhere and get photos.
    Your photos are beautifull as always.

  6. Wow, magnificas fotos Kaya. Son maravillosas. Enhorabuena. Besos.

  7. Bonitas fotografías del pinzón, Kaya, con una gran nitidez y encuadres.

