Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Canada Geese in Spring


Canada geese are not everyone's favorite, they are loud and can be aggressive but I love these birds as they are.  I enjoy watching them when they are spreading their wings wide, running as they take a flight, how they court each other and how they take care of their young ones.  

 Watching Canada Geese in a close proximity is always a real treat.

Canada Geese have long necks that allow the bird to tip over into the water and search for food.

A male Canada Goose has a longer and thicker neck and the crown of his head is bigger.  

When a goose's mate dies, the bird will find a secluded place and mourn.  Some geese spend the rest of their lives as widows or widowers refusing to mate again.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Muy buenas fotografías, Kaya, muy bien realizadas, acaparando todo muestro interés visual. Buen trabajo.


  2. Son maravillosas las fotografías. Las vistas de ellos son espectaculares.


  3. Exceptional images of these Canadian geese, showing us a very wide repertoire of their habits and behaviors both in the water, on land and in flight. congratulations Kaya
