Saturday, November 27, 2021

Rough-legged Hawks Are Already at Bear River

Rough-legged Hawks migrate to Bear River Bird Refuge usually in November and stay for a few months there.  

Last year I photographed a Rough-legged Hawk on December 3rd, this year I met this raptor on November 27th.  A few days difference.

At the beginning of my encounter I thought that the hawk would settle comfortably on one of the branches but the raptor immediately took off.  

Luckily, the story wasn't over, Roughie didn't fly far away.  


The sun was rising higher and light was changing.  I was concerned that I would end up with silhouettes of Rough-legged Hawk but fortunately it didn't happen.

The Hawk eventually took off.  

Somehow I managed to capture this moment.  Of course, the photo isn't as good as I wish it would be but I am happy to have it.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Has sido ágil con la cámara y los has podido fotografiar. hay veces que por solo un segundo, puedes perder la foto.


  2. Toda la serie es muy buena y los comentarios, ilustrativos. Es una suerte poder ver todos los años esta bella rapaz.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  3. Грубоногий, а такой красавчик! В полете показал всю красоту оперения.
