Sunday, December 19, 2021

Male Great Horn Owl on the Garr Ranch


There are two Great Horn Owls who live on the Garr Ranch, the male and female.

They usually are hiding between the branches at the top of different trees but the female hides in a such skillful way that it's almost impossible to see her at all.

The male is usually less concerned of being seen but he also prefers to stay on a safe side.


While walking around the tree with the hiding Owl and trying to figure out how I am going to photograph the raptor through the branches I noticed that he opened one of his eyes and wasn't anymore a sleepy Owl.  I was immensely grateful to him for that!

Well, photographing the Owl through the branches was the only option available. Not the best option but I added two more photos to my collection of Great Horn Owls and I am happy.

Generally, life is good! 



  1. Мне нравится) сделал одолжение))

  2. Pudiste captar de bello modo a esos escurridizos animales. Buenas imagenes, amiga
    Un abrazo

  3. Duerme con un ojo abierto y el otro cerrado. Me encantan las imágenes de este adorable buho.


  4. Destacan los cuernos y ese ojo atento. Bonitas y logradas fotografías.

    Abrazos Kaya.

  5. Hello Kaya,
    That's a great moment. Fantastic that you could photograph this owl.
    I think he was resting, looks like his half open eye. He did give you a beautiful picture.
    Very nice!!

    Many greetings,

  6. Bonito búho, Kaya. te estaba guiñando un ojo.

