Monday, January 31, 2022

Let's March - I.


While watching this morning Tundra Swans I started to believe that Swans have a leader who controls his pack and gives the orders.  

A group of Swans on the photo above were dozing peacefully until one of the Swans got up and, as if by unspoken command, Swans began to rise and after a few seconds they were already walking in a line behind their leader.

At some point the leader slowed down as if he was contemplating where to lead his pack and everybody stopped patiently waiting for the leader to make a further decision. 


In a few seconds the march was resumed.  Shortly,  the leader stopped again, lay down on the ice, curled up in a ball and started to doze off.  Others immediately followed his unspoken command.  

It was a very short march from one place to another, just five-to-seven feet.  I have no idea why the Swans needed this short march.  Did they need to exercise or was it a whim of their leader and nothing more?  I wish I would have an answer. 

Generally, life is good!


  1. Me ha resultado una imagen, bastante simpática, al verlos en fila, me acuerdo de las filas que hacen los niños cuando van a entrar en las diferentes clases del colegio.


  2. Этими картинками любовалась не раз)

  3. They seem aligned as if they were participating in a long march.

  4. Una foto muy oportuna, Kaya, bien captados en perfecta formación.

