Thursday, February 17, 2022

Wood Ducks in Winter - III. Finale


Over two last months I was looking occasionally at my photos of Wood Ducks and thought did I capture the spirit, the unique essence of these birds? 

Even if it didn't happen the whole experience watching and photographing Ducks was very rewarding. I learned more about their behavior that morning than I would learn from the books.

A female Wood Duck. 

All female ducks evoke tenderness in me. Something very vulnerable and touching about them.

Generally, life is good!


  1. Самец смотрит на самку, ожидая что- то от нее, а она в своих думах; он что - то ей говорит и снова никакой реакции)) главное они вместе и смотрят в одном направлении. Спасибо, Кая за чудесные утинные истории.

  2. Each duck seems to compete with the most beautiful shade of plumage!

  3. Se diferencia muy bien el macho de la hembra. Ambos tienen un bello plumaje. Me gusta la forma como lo has captado.


  4. Que simpáticos y agradables de ver me resultan estos patos. Buenas tomas, Kaya.

