Saturday, April 16, 2022

Notes to Self

Today in the Beau Park. 

Life should be simple, right?...  

You buy a new computer (in my case Mac) because an old one is slowly dying.  

You are a little nervous when you start to set up your new computer, printer and  Internet.  Anything that can go wrong will go wrong...   And of course, Murphy's law is right there, with a nasty smile, calmly follows you on your heels.

Mac didn't accept my old Apple ID and password.  Who knows why?  I created a completely new Apple ID and password.

I "met" a Migrant Assistant (a new feature in Mac) and tried to back up all information from my old computer into a new one. A Migrant Assistant gave me a very difficult  time, blacked out my new computer twice and scared me to death and that's where our "acquaintance" ended.

Sadly, I lost all my photos in iPhoto. I liked from time to time to look at them and" travel" into moments that are very dear to me.

I lost my written short essays (they were in Pages, Documents).  Some day I will try to print them from my old computer.  My two favorite photo editing softwares were gone but luckily I was able to restore them.

In addition to all above Safari (I am on Safari right now) doesn't work with Blogger correctly.

It feels like I am starting anew, one little step after another...


  1. Мускари порадовали, как будто наяву увидела) Кая, полного взаимопонимания с новым другом!

  2. A nice muscari and real difficulties to convert one computer to another.
    Courage Kaya, if the learning is long the result will be satisfactory ...

  3. A otro nivelmás sencillo también he tenido problemas con Blogger... ¡Ánimo!

    Un color excepcional!

    Abrazos Kaya.

  4. Siento que lo hayas perdido todo. Duele mucho perder esos trabajos de tantos años. Yo los tengo metidos en un disco duro externo.

    Es muy bella esta fotografía.


  5. Siento lo sucedido, Kaya, no hay manera de recuperarlo.


  6. I feel for you big time. I have lost years of photos due to computer issues. Luckily i have still the photos that were blogged. I do feel for you and now in a way you have a fresh start!! But, losing your awesome photos, ugh.

  7. Hola Kaya, de nuevo por aquí.
    Lamento los incidentes con tu computadora y espero que no hayas perdido definitivamente tus magníficas fotografías. Fotografías como la que nos presentas hoy de una gran belleza y perfección técnica.
    Un fuerte abrazo, amiga.
