Thursday, July 14, 2022

In the Wasatch Mountains X. A Creature I Have Never Met Before


The sound that made me to stop resembled the rustling leaves.  The longer I listened to this sound the more it resembled сhirping "grasshoppers".  
It took time to figure out who were hiding in the leaves of the trees and making the odd loud noise.  One of the inhabitants of this place nevertheless appeared on the tree.  

I have never met this creature before.  At first, I thought that it might be a grasshopper but later learned that this is a Cicada.  Catalin, thank you!

Generally, life is good!


  1. Un macro de intensa belleza,amiga
    Un abrazo

  2. It is an insect specific to warm weather. Take out a sound that can become tiring. In Europe it is called Cicoare, and in the US the name is Cicade. Recently, they came out of the ground in the US -

    1. Catalin, thank you very much! And a special thank you for a link.

  3. wow, fantastic photo!!! Love macros.

  4. Обожаю стрекот цикад. Чернильная южная ночь и цикады - наивысшее наслаждение
