Monday, July 25, 2022

Notes to Self. Dawn at Bear River MBR - I.

The strangest thing is that I often find myself during dawn on the same shore, which attracts me like a magnet.  In winter, I photographed Tundra Swans there.  This summer - sunrises, which are every time different and unique.

It is on this shore that inspiration is born and lives until the light begins to change.

Sometimes it seems to me that I am in an eternal pursuit of light, which for a moment illuminates everything around and after a while rapidly disappears, bringing me back to reality.  

Generally, life is good!


  1. Precioso amanecer. A mi me encana pasear por el campo antes del amanecer y tratar de conseguir una buena fotografía.
    Un abrazo.

  2. Oh, what AWESOME-NESS! As usual your photo is absolutely amazing! Truly BEAUTIFUL!
    Just stopping by to see how you're doing and say hello. Wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you. Wishing you well, my friend! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Кая, чудесно все. Обнимаю

  4. Hello Kaya,
    Light is very important in photography. You caught always fantastic moments with wonderful lights. What a great view!!
    I love all these kind of pictures taken at the right time of the day. Fantastic!!

    Many greetings,
