Sunday, October 30, 2022

Wild Turkeys

Every fall I visit our local Beau pond hoping to see Wild Turkeys that love to spend the early morning hours there.  This morning luck was on my side and I met a fairly large flock of Wild Turkeys.

My first photograph of Wild Turkey pleasantly surprised me with its pleasant blur background.

This Turkey decided to leave her flock and walk around, but very soon changed its mind and returned to the flock.  What a pity.  I was going to follow it.

The Wild Turkey is certainly very expressive and has a character.

It would be nice to take a promenade along the paved road and show off in all my glory.

Life goes on.


  1. Серьезная, внимательная, настороженная птица. Чудесные снимки, Кая.

  2. Hello Kaya,
    That's a wonderful turkey. A very special one with amazing colors.
    You have photograph him very well. I like your shots so much with all special kind of animals. Lovely!!

    Many greetings,

  3. Bonita serie aunque me parece que tienen cara de asustados. Me ha recordado a los personajes de la pelicula de animación "Cristal oscuro ".
    Un abrazo.

  4. Bellos pavos salvajes, Kaya, muy bien fotografiados.

