Monday, November 14, 2022

Strong and Beautiful


My husband taught me how to notice things in nature that are so easy to miss. "If something doesn't belong to the environment, look carefully," he used to say.

At first, I noticed the ears that were sticking out from behind the bushes and thought that I am imagining.  Soon a muzzle showed up and thе coyote himself,  strong and beautiful.

This photo is my favorite.  I like the way the coyote is gazing into the distance with its neck outstretched.  He must have noticed or smelled something. 

I followed the coyote as long as I could.  It often disappeared into the bushes and suddenly appeared, as if the coyote was playing hide and seek.  

Life goes on.


  1. A very beautiful specimen in a wild environment.

  2. Precioso el coyote, Kaya, muy buena serie de fotografías.


  3. Mu bonita esa serie el coyote. No solo por la belleza de las fotografias, que los son, sino también por la belleza del animal. Coincido contigo en la elección de la fotografía favorita.
    Un abrazo y cuidate.

  4. Toda una belleza de animal y toda una belleza de imagenes...
    Un abrazo, amiga

  5. Hello Kaya,
    It's always a surprise to see your new post. This is so fantastic again!!
    Great how you have photograph this coyote. That must be special to do. A wonderful animal and amazing to see in his own area.
    This is enjoyment Kaya!! Very, very well done!!

    Many greetings,
