Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Male Northern Flicker

A few days ago I encountered a rare opportunity to capture a male Northern Flicker blending wonderfully into his surroundings. His unique camouflage is a survival strategy.  The Flicker's plumage hides him so well against the background of the bark.

Northern Flicker sometimes climbs up the trunks of trees and hummers on wood like other woodpeckers but prefers to find food on the ground.  Ants are Flicker's main food and it digs through the dirt to find them. 

The Northern Flickers are migratory birds. They move south for the winter and only a few of them stay in Northern Utah.  

This Flicker decided to stay in our local park for the winter. Was it a good decision or not?  It's hard to say because all week we had extremely cold days with a lot of snow.

Life goes on.


  1. Muy atareado está en el tronco del árbol.

  2. Cada día menos aves hacen su migración de invierno, el cambio climático les hace quedarse en un mismo lugar.
    Un abrazo y cuídate.

  3. If he stayed, then he knows where the ants are. :)

  4. Bonita toma, Kaya, que bien se mimetiza el ave con su entorno.


  5. Hello Kaya,
    What a wonderful bird is this. So fantastic and great how you have photograph them.
    The last is so colorful with the blue colors of the sky on the left side. Very well done!!

    Many greetings,
